Monday, January 24, 2011

Life's too Short to be Living for the Weekends

It's Monday. Mondays don't have a great rep. as far as days of the week go. It's the day after the weekend. Weekends mean freedom for most people. They don't have to work. They gather with friends and family. They get to do what they want to do. A lot of us live for the weekends.

One day, a while back, I found myself in the middle of a week, in the middle of that particular day (maybe it was a Wednesday? I don't know), with my toddler throwing major tantrums and my newborn crying inconsolably. Exasperated, tired, and fed-up, I wished out loud for 6:00, when my husband would be home. Then I could have help, then I could take a break, then I could rest. Oddly though, I felt a slight conviction when I made this wish.

What I had really wished was that time would magically speed up. That the remaining 3 or 4 hours before 6:00 would go by at warp speed. I wished for a fast forward. Have you seen the movie Click? Adam Sandler is given a remote control to fast forward through the parts of his life that seem boring or mundane to him, even the parts that cause him stress or that he just doesn't feel like dealing with. What he gets at the end of his life is not what he expected though- he hardly knows his children, his wife divorced him for not being involved enough, and he could barely remember the last 50 years of his life.

I wonder what we miss when we long for the weekend or wish that time would fast forward? When we look at the clock at 10:00 and wish it was 1:00 so we can put the kids down for nap, or go on break at work? I wonder what life we miss out on living when we coast on cruise control Monday through Friday and don't take the scenic route till Saturday?  I wonder what we lose when we look forward instead of stay in the present, even if the present is hard or boring or just not where we want to be? Sure, some of you will say that you'd "miss" that super long and boring meeting at work, or that 30 minute melt down your 3 year old had in Walmart, or that long and awkward talk with that woman in the cube across from you or, etc. etc. But what you're really missing is your life. And in reality, you can't fast forward through it. Do you really want to?

The truth is, life is too short to live for tomorrows. I'm thankful I have life and breath today. That I get to hold my crying baby and witness my toddler's tantrums. Cause it will be tomorrow and my baby will be 17 and my toddler will be moving out to college.  This Monday is a day, just one day in my life. But I want this day. And I want all that God has for me this day- the things I would choose and the things that just come as a part of life. I'm not guaranteed another Monday so I'm sure not going to spend this one wishing it was over.

So happy Monday everyone! Live it up!

"This day is beautiful. I've never seen it before."- The great Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. Um, Latrice? I don't remember asking to be convicted on anything today!
