In the month of December, the Christmas tree is like your high school crush. You can't wait to see it. You spend time near it each day, fantasizing about how great it will make your life. It ushers in all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings and you can't imagine life without it. But in January, it miraculously turns into the kid with chronic pink-eye and bad breath. All of a sudden you can't even bear to look at it and you just want it gone.
We have an artificial tree, and as much fun as it is putting it up each year, it is a real pain to take down. All of the little artificial bristles poke and stab while I take the lights off. Then I have to flatten each little branch down just right in order for it to fit back into any kind of storage container. I loathe taking it down. So still it stands. To be fair, I did move it from it's December spot in the living room a couple days ago. I dragged that sucker (dropping and breaking one ornament because I didn't feel like taking the time to remove them first) from the living room to the dining room, which is one room closer to the basement where it will ultimately be stored. So, that's progress.
Four days ago my husband asked me when we were going to take the Christmas decorations down. He said "we" even though he meant "you" (me) because he has been married five years. To me. And he knows "me" and he knows that "I" would not have wanted to be told when "I" needed to take the decorations down, so he said "we". He will, however, not lift a finger to take any of the decorations down. This is because I won't let him. This is because he will do it wrong. (Aka, not my way.) When he asked when "we" were going to take the decorations down, he already knew this as well. Marriage can teach us a lot.
So today, my friends, I WILL take the tree down. I have dragged it's large storage container from the basement. I have removed the lights and the ornaments and the garland. I have put on a long-sleeved sweater to protect my arms from artificial bristles. I have stalled and blogged instead of actually taking down the tree. And now there is nothing more to do than to take it down.
Look for it tomorrow and you shall not find it here.
P.S. My fall decorations are still on my front porch.
You're hilarious. However, I have two trees still up and will leave them up for awhile because I can't stand how the house looks after I take all my Christmas decs down. I just made one a winter tree with mittens and skates and one with snowflakes so now they're "Winter trees" and I love them!!!