Monday, December 20, 2010

Homecoming- One of Ours

He's coming home today!

I wake with the sun and say a prayer of thanksgiving and protection for the sandy-blonde haired boy who will soon be in the sky, on his way home. Mom will pick him up where his plane lands in Kansas City and drive him home. I am filled with sleepiness and anticipation. He is coming home!

Then there is work to do and the day to do. Little ones to feed and change and tickle, dishes to wash and laundry to fold. But there is last minute preparation, too. Newly washed sheets on his twin sized bed. His stocking to hang.  I am excited!

I picture the scene of his home-coming:

Kisses and hugs from all around. I will comment, like aunts and mothers do, on his growth and will ask about school and want to know the names of friends. I guess that Naomi will run to and hug her cousin/brother who comes and then stays away long times but she doesn't know why or where. We will introduce to him to Lincoln who he will share a room with when he is home again this summer. Then we will eat the hot food waiting for the Nebraska-born but now Texan boy who is no longer used to the cold of winter. And we will joke and tease and laugh. We will maybe play a game or watch a movie- our family, TOGETHER. And then we will sleep. And my heart will be full just like every bedroom. And I will sleep a little easier for a while because he is home. He is one of ours, and he is coming home.

Me and Kameron- my nephew

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