Friday, December 17, 2010

VBAC Discussion- My Thoughts

Well thank you all so much for writing in. It's an interesting article and I think that everyone is going to have an opinion based on their personal experiences.

Katrina, I am so sorry that your first experience with birth was one that left you feeling so unhappy. It's supposed to be an incredible experience, not one you want to forget. I really do hope that your next experience works out better for you. Remember, you DO have a say in how you give birth! Do your research and use your voice!

Miriam, thanks for sharing your opinion. I was really hoping you would as I know you have had some incredible birth experiences (including a home birth). I appreciate the perspective you bring!

Lindsey- first of all, thanks for reading every day! That's encouraging to me since I'm new on the blogging scene. Thanks for sharing your input! I hope the article and all this VBAC talk doesn't scare you since you are a new momma to be! There is a lot of research out there and there are a lot of decisions to make regarding the type of birth you want. It's really easy to get overwhelmed, but it's important to know what you want.

Here's my take on the article:

I disagree that she wasn't brave. Regardless of how educated you are, I think it takes a certain amount of braveness to do something so many people tell you not to do. She went against the opinions of many medical doctors, hospitals and probably friends and family. I think that is pretty brave. I love that she went for the VBAC and got the kind of birth she wanted, but I personally would not  have risked a home birth. I would have seen birthing at the hospital 90 minutes away as a great option. In any birthing situation, no matter what the circumstances, there is always a chance that something will not go as planned. Sometimes, this can result in harm to baby and/or mom, even with the best mid-wife or doctor present. It would have set my mind at ease to be in a hospital in case of an emergency, especially since there was an increased chance that she could have had complications. It was really great that this worked out for her, but I wonder how people and she herself would have responded if something did go wrong? If she or the baby had been harmed or had even died? Because there was a chance of this happening, I would have opted to have a vaginal delivery, but in the hospital where emergency personnel could respond if need-be.

So, that's my two cents.

Thanks again everyone for writing in! I love chatting about this stuff!  See you next week!

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