Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Slower Christmas

Every Christmas, every year, we roll out of bed in our pjs, quickly brush our hair, and then rush the Christmas tree to open our presents, forsaking breakfast, showers, and (gasp) maybe a fresh pair of underwear! As a child, this was, of course, the only way to do Christmas morning. Who needed fresh undies when there were presents under the tree with my name on them!? And who could even think of showering at a time like that?

As I've gotten older and become a parent, however, I've learned a few things, or should I say, am in the process of learning a few things. Right now, I'm in the process of learning how to slow down. I invite so much stress into my life by moving too quickly, staying busy all the time, always wanting things just right, right now. My daughter plays and I clean up toys and sweep behind her. My husband drinks a glass of water, I place the glass immediately in the sink. I wake in the morning and straighten the pillows on the couch, fold blankets, put away any toys I missed, on my way to the back room where I spend time with the Lord. I feel like I always have an agenda that rarely includes just existing for a while. Yes, there is a reason I am that way. Toddlers are messy. I need to stay on top of the mess or it may overwhelm me. Our dishwasher broke and I am its replacement. I need to wash dishes after every meal or there will be a huge stack of dishes waiting for me at night when I am too tired to clean anything. We have hard wood floors which are beautiful but apparently also a magnet for dust. They look terrible if not swept often.

Even though all of this is true, I still feel as if some days, I'm too fast and too busy to actually enjoy the day. So, I'm learning to slow down. Let my mind slow down for a while. Not always run my to-do list in my head. Play with my daughter instead of clean up behind her. Leave the dishes till later if there is something more important or slower to do instead. Rest my legs for a few minutes when there is opportunity. Just, slow down.

What's this have to do with Christmas morning? Well, last year, I really wanted our family to get all gussied up in the morning in the their Sunday best. I wanted to put my daughter in her beautiful dress, see my husband all shirt and tied out, put on a fancy dress myself (which this year may be a problem since all my dresses have joined forces with the monster in my closet).  And then I wanted to take lovely pictures by the tree and the decorated mantle, etc. I know, it's nothing huge or largely important, but it seems fun and I would love the pictures with all of us looking half-way decent instead of the "we just rolled out of bed" shots. This will require some planning and some slowing down Christmas morning to make it possible. But, I think we'll give it a shot. The nephew will be largely disappointed with this new sequence of events, but he loves to get all dressed up so that should ease his pain. I will be thrilled that our children will actually wear the Christmas outfits purchased for them (last year Naomi wore her dress for 10 minutes two days before Christmas so I could get a picture, that's it!) And maybe we'll all benefit a little from getting to slow down Christmas morning. Maybe, as we get ready and dressed in the morning, we can also take some time to think about what Christmas is all about- far beyond the presents waiting under the tree. And maybe I will love being in fresh underwear. :)

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