Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monsters in My Closet

Here they are. Aren't they scary? Run away!

Okay, I admit it, they look innocent. Just hangin' there without a care in the world, in all their non-stretchy, size 9 glory. Just a pair of jeans. An innocent pair jeans. Right?
Yes, maybe to a different woman with a different, non-pregnancy affected body, they are just a normal pair of jeans. But to me, post baby number 2, they are the monster in my closet. Teasing me, taunting me, calling to me- only to lash at my still very round but also incredibly flabby tummy with its size 9 tag.
They clearly must be conquered. Or destroyed. I'm opting for conquering because I like them. 
A lot. 
They were once my "go-to" jeans, my "hot date with they hubby jeans", my "I want to look nice but still be comfy" jeans. 
But they turned on me. They went to the dark side. They are now my enemy. So, they must be conquered. 
And oh the ab curls and yoga poses and minutes on the elliptical that will bring me to victory.  Oh the snack cake denials, the "I'll just have water"s and the "No, I prefer carrot sticks to candy bars", I'll have to endure to beat my foe. 
But beat them I will. Mark my words. I will conquer this enemy. I will defeat this monster.
Have you any monsters in your closet?


  1. Size 9 is only sold in the juniors section Latrice. You are not a junior. You are a mom. You have moved beyond those jeans and are wiser, greater, more woman-of-the-worldish.

    Conquer them by throwing them out because you are better than they are!

  2. Mindee- No. I can't let go. I don't want to be wiser or greater. I want to be a size 9. (sigh.) I know. It's over.

  3. You are so funny! I love that I can totally hear your voice in your post's. It's like you are standing over my shoulder reading it to me. :)
    Can't wait to meet Lincoln. Hope Naomi is doing well.
    You can be a size 9 again!! I have faith in you :)
